Monday 10 October 2011

Deck Profile # 8: Ojama Xyz Beatdown

From all the Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks in existence there is none that is more overlooked than the theme of this Deck Profile; the Ojamas. They are considered by everyone (including Konami) as the most crappy of the Archetypes and so noone ever pays attention to the new cards that are released and can support this Deck. And now it is time for their Vengeance!

Unlike many other Archetypes that have no particular strategy, the Ojamas can follow many strategies with an amazing success. During the past the most often was the OjaMachineGun which used the Snipe Hunter to discard OjaMagic and then use the three gained Ojamas as three more shots gaining an advantage many times equal to the Dark Armed Dragon's with the exception that Snipe Hunters effect is not guaranteed to destroy and so Stardust Dragon and My Body as a Shield were not able to negate it. Other Strategies are focusing on making the opponent's Monster Zones unusable with Ojama Trio and the Ojama Fusions.

But now there are many new cards to use the Ojamas with, mainly the Xyz Monsters that are giving new breath to a lot of Decks, including this one. So here is one of the combos the Ojamas can pull off in cooperation with Xyz Monsters. Using Ojama Country ditch OjaMagic to Special Summon an Ojama from the Graveyard and get the three Normal Ojamas from the Deck, then Normal Summon Ojama Red and Special Summon the three Normal Ojamas.

From there, there are to paths to take;
A) Clear the field with Ojama Delta Huriccane, Special Summon 2 Daigusto Phoenix, then Special Summon anoher Ojama through either a second Country, Monster Reborn or Tri-Wight Zone and use it for a third Daigusto Phoenix. Then use the effect of all three of them and attack for six attacks of 1500 each, making an OTK.
B) Use the 4 Ojamas to make 2 Gachi Gachi Gantetsu.

After some tests I found that the best option is by far the second; not only it needs very few cards (3 to be exact) and all of them searchable by the awesome Ojama Blue but it also is a move that even though it does not result in an OTK, puts a lot of pressure in the opponent. And that is why the Gachi Gachi Gantetsus, a card known for it's ability to slow down the pace of the game, in this combo it has it's Attack reversed with it's Defence due to Ojama Country's effect and the 5th Ojama in the field. So with this simple combo you get two 2600 ATK beaters that have three "lifes" each and an Ojama with 1800 ATK. Simple yet devastating.

So the deck is build around this combo but it has plenty of other tricks to show but in order for me to explain better let's take a look at the Deck List.

Monsters x 21
Ojama Blue x 3
Ojama Red x 2
Ojama Yellow x 2
Ojama Black x 2
Ojama Green x 2
Junk Synchron x 2
Genex Ally Birdman x 2
Effect Veiler x 2
Sangan x 1
Honest x 1
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x 1
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning x 1

Ojama Blue being the searcher of this deck is included at three copies in order to gain access as quickly as to the cards you need to execute the previous combo. I must say it is one of the best Archetype Searchers ever, being able to get you two cards instead of the usual one. Also it is able to revive with Ojama Country leading to even more searching. So absolutely no reason not to run it in three. Next it is the other Effect Ojama, Red. Even though it is a centerpiece for the combo it is not needed in more than two copies since it is searchable by Blue. Closing with the Ojamas there are two of each of the Normal ones. There are going to be times when you will draw two with the same name and you will not be able to activate the effect of OjaMagic (since you must bring one of each), but if you run more 3 of each Normal then there are going to be so many dead draws. And to be honest the combo does not need to have Ojamas with different names so you can simply use Red to summon like two Blacks and a Yellow and the rest remain the same.

Junk Synchron is used for it's many targets that exist in the deck and it's ability to summon Frozen Fitzgerald, a powerful Level 5 Synchro that needs a Dark Tuner and a Beast Non-Tuner, so Junk Synchron and any Ojama can make it. Next we have another Dark Tuner at two copies which can play a lot of roles in this Deck. Genex Ally Birdman can be used when you have your swarm of Ojamas to return one of them (most likely Red) to hand and summon the almighty Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. Another use for it is when you summon Ojama Red to perform the combo and it gets "Veilered" (something very often considering that almost every deck runs a couple of Effect Veilers in the Main Deck) , then the maximum you can make out of him is a Xyz Material, but with Birdman you can return it to hand and use it next turn plus you get an Frozen Fritzgeral in the field (by tuning Birdman with the, revived from the Ojama Country, Ojama in the field)!

Next the two Veilers are more like a staple this Format as they are great against any Deck. From there, there are four Limited Monsters that complete the Monster Line-Up. Sangan can search almost any Monster in the Deck and it makes great combos with other cards that will be mentioned later. Honest is also included for it's powerful ability to make even an Ojama boosted by a Gachi Gachi and/or the Ojama Country to run over something huge. As you will see later the deck runs a pretty small Trap Line-Up and hence even with a Field Spell, Gorz is a really decent inclusion. And finally the Big Boss, Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning is a simple inclusion due to the plethora of Light and Dark Monsters in the Deck.

Spells x 15
Ojama Country x 3
Creature Swap x 3
Pot of Duality x 3
Mystical Space Typhoon x 2
OjaMagic x 1
Heavy Storm x 1
Dark Hole x 1
Monster Reborn x 1

Ojama Country is added in a full playset since it not only is the main engine in the Deck, allowing you to summon a Rank 2 Xyz every turn and being a centerpiece to the Deck's Combo but also messes up with opponent's Monsters ; an Ojama ties with Dark Armed Dragon and beats Rai Oh and Gachi Gachi Gantetsu and Frozen Fitzgerald  can take down almost anything. Creature Swap is there for a simple yet vital purpose; the opponent will realize that attacking your Monsters is not any good and if he does not destroy Blue in battle the Deck cannot function. Ergo I have added this card that not only allows you to steal an Opponent's Monster but also allows you to guarantee getting the effect of Ojama Blue or rarely Sangan's. Also it can be used to trade a pathetic Normal Ojama for something big, giving a purpose to drawn Normal Ojamas.

Pot of Duality's job is pretty basic; consistency and since this deck does not Special Summon in every turn (like the ones you set Blue or using the Creature Swap shenanigans) it is obviously included at three copies. OjaMagic is added at one since more is too much, the effect is not negatable by commonly used cards and if they Mind Crush it you still get the effect. Finishing with the Spell Line-Up we have 5 slots filled with staple cards, added in every Deck; Double Mystical Space Typhoon and the Single allowed Heavy Storm are there to clear the back row, Dark Hole is to clear the front row and finally Monster Reborn is there for it's ability to bring any card needed from the Graveyard.

Traps x 4
Solemn Warning x 2
Solemn Judgment x 1
Trap Dustshoot x 1

This is the Trap Line-Up that I use in trap-light Decks. Solemn Warning is there in order to cut the Opponent's Monsters and Solemn Judgment to stop anything the Opponent sends against you. Some say that Judgment's cost is too much for the Format and they left it out but I completely disagree and still believe that it is the best Trap out there. Trap Dustshoot is my second favorite Trap for not only it succesfully disposes of some threats (I just love it when I send Black Luster Soldier back to the deck) but also gives you knowledge about the opponent's moves and deck. I would also like to include Common Charity in order to give to the drawn Normal Ojamas another purpose but there was simply no space.

Extra Deck x 15
Gachi Gachi Gantetsu x 3
Daigusto Phoenix x 2
Frozen Fritzgerald x 2
Ally of Justice Catastor x 1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x 1
Gaia Knight, Force of Earth x 1
Black Rose Dragon x 1
Stardust Dragon x 1
Scrap Dragon x 1
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x 1
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x 1

Well, nothing special about the Extra Deck. Gachi Gachi is really important so included at maximum allowed copies, Daigusto Phoenix is here just in case I am able to perform the OTK (with 2 Phoenixes and 1 Gachi Gachi) and Frozen Fitzgerald is here at two copies for the Deck is able to bring him out so easily. Apart from these everything else is staple in order to have 1 or 2 Synchros for every Level.

Well this is Deck I have been working on since last month's article and I must say I am more than satisfied by it's winning ratio. I believe that this is the most competitive form of Ojamas right now, yet I will soon try a different approach on them, focusing more on the Lockdown.

Thanks for reading and till next time remember; Never underestimate those little freaks!


Jason Grabher-Meyer , 2009, TCG Player, OjaMachineGun Reloaded

Jason Grabher-Meyer , 2009, TCG Player, Blue Plate Special


  1. Ojamaaaaaa! I love Ojama!
    Also Frozen Fitzgerald = BOSS but if I were you I would add 1-2 more Ojamagic and 2 Snipe Hunter. The combo is stil awesome!

    P.S. I am gonna try this in DN.

  2. Glad you liked! When I created the deck runned 2 OjaMagic and a couple of Snipe Hunters but after lots of playtesting I had to cut them off for they are not necessary and in order to minimize the luck factor from the deck. But if you like it you should try it

    Thanks for posting.

  3. Um, your extra deck only has 14. Error?

  4. It is a typographic error yeah, but nothing is really needed to be honest. You can try adding Number 96: Black Mist or another Generic Synchro/Xyz of your preferennce or even a Chimeratech Fortress Dragon since Karakuris are running around really wild.

    I am gonna add the last option. Thanks for noticing
