Saturday, 22 October 2011

Card Review # 2: Daigusto Phoenix

Hello and welcome to the Second Card Discussion for Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Building Academy. This time we will talk about a little Xyz Monster that it is supposed to be the next big thing to the One Turn Kill Decks.

Daigusto Phoenix is a Rank 2 Xyz Monster that can make a Wind Monster attack twice this turn, including itself. Even aside the Wind and Gusto  Decks that can summon him in order to make their huge beaters attack twice it will help any OTK deck that can summon him multiple times in a single turn.

When I think multiple for summons per turn, my mind goes to Fish OTK at once.  And truly by bringing 4 level 2 Fish with Coelacanth you can summon two of these and with Coelacanth you can deal 8800 of damage in an open field. This is not a good plan though as it does not involve clearing the opponent’s field but it can be a possible play now that Fishborg Blaster is gone.

I have made an Ojama Deck Profile that can Summon this guy easily even though it did not focused so much in him but in Gachi Gachi Gantetsu. Yet one  could use Tri-Wight Zone in order to summon it in three copies and perform an One Turn Kill very easily.

But let’s move to the more interesting section.  Years ago Cyber-Stein was banned for it’s ability to make OTK swings of damage with Cyber End Dragon or Cyber Twin Dragon and Limiter Removal or Megamorph. Now years later, The Agent of Creation – Venus can summon three little Mystical Shine Balls and Xyz Summon for Daigusto Phoenix, activate United We Stand and attack for a huge swing of 7800 with Phoenix and finish with Venus.

This combo also needs only two cards in hand and it has many pros over the Stein Combo. First of all the cost in Life points is not that great and hence enabling one that failed to perform the OTK to come back unlike the Stein player that if he would lose the Combo then he was going to lose in most of occasions due to the large impact in his life points. 

Second it is the versatility that it offers; when one summon the Mystical Shine Balls one can go for Trishula if there is The Agent of Mystery - Earth from previous turn or you summon T.G. Striker before Venus or you can use the Mystical Shine Balls to summon a Gachi Gachi Gantetsu to slow down the pace of the game and have a 2000 ATK Venus as a beater.

Finally this combo pieces are highly searchable due to Earth and Tour Guide/Gold Sarcophagus Combo in case of Venus and Hidden Armory in case of United We Stand.

All in all Daigusto Phoenix  is one that will have huge impact in certain strategies and possibly will help shape the Metagame.  I  am sure that there are going to be even better strategies to summon it in multiple copies and win with but only time can tell what are those strategies gonna be.

Thanks for reading and till next time


P.S. Excluding the Green Flames, Daigusto Phoenix looks more like a Pterodactyl and not a Phoenix.

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