Friday, 4 November 2011

Number 6! Top 10 Synchro Monsters Level 5 or less

Placed 6th in our List is T.G. Wonder Magician a really good Archetype specific Synchro of a new Archetype T.G.'s.

First of all I must say that I like her, a lot. Not only it can be Summoned in her Deck so easily without a Normal Summon by a simple Striker - Warwolf play but it also has a variety of effect that make up for her low Attack. First of all, she is a Mystical Space Typhoon by the time she is Synchro Summoned, gaining some advantage for you instantly. Second, when destoyed she nets you a free draw tottaly nullifying the minus one you got from her Summoning.  I like cards that pay you off for your trouble to bring them to the field.

Number 6: T.G. Wonder Magician

But that's not all. Being a Synchro and a Tuner at the same time it shares the same effect with Formula Synchron by being able to be used as the Tuner in a Sycnhro Summon during the Opponent's Main Phase. If you have been in this kind of situation before you should know how devastating a Black Rose Dragon or Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier at the end of your Main Phase can be, especially since it cannot be negated by Effect Veiler.

Not much to say about today's card either, it's good but there is no big combo or anything. Next week we continue with the Top 5 Level 5 or less!

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