Monday 8 August 2011

Deck Profile # 5: Tuningware Synchro

When I began Yu-Gi-Oh!, one of the first decks I thought of making was Machinas. So I looked all the cards included in Structure Deck: Machina Mayem and one that draw no attention was Machine Duplication. I just overlooked it for it's restriction to monsters lower than 500 ATK. Now almost two years later I know that ATK restrictions mean nothing when it comes to field presence. Also since I have studied the history of the game I know that Machine Duplication since it's original print have some kind of secret and small impact in the flow of the game but never got a lot of attention in order to win a place in the Ban & Limited List.

Back in time it was paired with Card Trooper in order to summon three 1900-ATK beatstick plus milling nine cards plus get to draw a card for each Trooper if you got a bit lucky. That was the main reason for the limiting of Card Trooper. It is also used in Traditional Format with Cyber Valley in order to form Retrieve and Draw engine in order to make fast decks faster such as the infamous Dimension Fusion - First Turn Kill. Also if you pair the triple Cyber Valley with Spell Economics and Dimension Fusion you have an unlimited Draw Loop. It has found it's way to the Morphtronic decks being able to summon many of these little guys such as Celfon and Remoten in triples and use their effect with impressive results. Another use Machine Duplication finds is in a lately popular deck : Karakuris. Abusing Black Salvo one could unleash multiple copies of  Karakuri Shogun mdl 00 “Burei” or Karakuri Steel Shogun mdl 00X “Bureido” making an One Turn Kill out of thin air. As you can see small Machine-Types can devastate the opponent in many ways despite their original small ATK.

But enough with the history lesson. When I looked for small Machine that are targets for Duplication, two cards draw my attention. Tuningware and Darksea Rescue are both targets for Machine Duplication and both when used for a Synchro Summon you get to draw one card (Tuningware has an additional little effect that allows more flexibility in the level of the Synchro Monster throwing Darksea Rescue out of the competition). But how to aduse them? The best way by far is to use the "Retrieve" Tuners. Junk Synchron and Debris Dragon both can target Tuningware. So you summon Junk Synchron or Debris Dragon while one of the Tuningwares is in the Graveyard and then you activate Machine Duplication to get three of the Tuningware in the field. But what to make? Junk Synchron and Tuningware x3 can make maximum a level 8 since one of the Tuningwares have it's effect negated. The best monster to make is obviously Junk Destroyer giving the opponent a minus three, you get to draw three cards and you have a 2600-ATK beater in the field. Alternatively, with Debris you can use the three Tuningware for a level 9 Synchro. So Trishula plus draw three cards or Junk Destryer plus draw three cards? I don't know about you but to me it sounds like a game winning combo.

I had originally made a deck that was focused entirely in that combo including Inferno Reckless Summon (ensuring that you will use the combo at least once) and De-Synchro (in order to use the combo multiple times in a turn). But even though I found the deck exteremely explosive and terrifying, it was many times inconsistent and suffered from very bad hands, hence I have gone in a less explosive way but more consistent and accurate.

Monsters x 19
Tuningware x 3
Junk Synchron x 3
Debris Dragon x 2
Card Trooper x 2
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x 2
Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress x 1
Glow-Up Bulb x 1
Dandylion x 1
Plaguespreader Zombie x 1
Chaos Sorcerer x 2
Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness x 1

Tuningware is included obviously in three copies as it is necessary for the main combo. I have also decided to include both "Retireve" Tuners ; Junk Synchron and Debris Dragon in maximum copies allowed as they are the main Synchro Engines of the deck with or without the combo with Tuningware since they have seven and ten targets respectively. Card Trooper serves many purposes ; not only it is a secondary target for Machine Duplication (even though rarely used) but also is a milling device, a 1900-ATK beatstick, target for Debris Dragon plus adds a little speed. Cyber Valley could be included but I prefered not to, since you would just waste your Machine Duplications in exchange of Draw Power which is not always good.Next, there is the Lightsworn Engine, consisted by two Ryko and a single Lyla, that along with Card Trooper are the primary way to send Tuningware and other interesting little cards to the Graveyard for more shenaningans. Ryko is also target for both Junk Synchron and Debris Dragon.

Glow-Up Bulb, Dandylion and Plaguspreader Zombie are those interesting little cards that can easily be used from the Graveyard for Synchro Summon and stuff. The rest of the Plant Engine could be used (Lonefire Blossom x 2, Spore x 1 and possibly a single Tyttanial) but I have decided that they are not necessary for the deck and removed them, instead filling the space with other most necessary cards. I guess most of you disagree with me but it is a decision I stand by. Chaos Sorcerer in two copies is included since there are 7 Dark-Attribute Monsters and 5 Light-Attribute ones plus a lot of milling. Finally Gorz is included as a last resort protection.

Spells x 15
Machine Duplication x 3
Pot of Avarice x 3
Foolish Burial x 1
Charge of Light Brigade x 1
One for One x 1
Tuning x 1
Mystical Space Typhoon x 2
Dark Hole x 1
Giant Trunade x 1
Monster Reborn x 1

Machine Duplication, the most-difficult-to-get piece of the main combo is included in three copies to maximize the chances off pulling this play. Pot of Avarice is an awesome card paired with Milling and Synchro Engines such as the Lightsworn one and the Plant one respectively. Also it helps stabilizing the main disadvantage of the main combo ; Machine Duplication Special Summons only from the deck hence Tuningware in Graveyard or hand stay where they are, so Pot of Avarice helps returning the extra copies back in deck. From there Foolish Burial and Charge of Light Brigade complete the Dumping Engine opening ways for bigger plays. One for One can be used to summon Tuningware from the deck or bring Glow-Up Bulb for some awesome Synchro Shenaningans. Tuning is used as a sixth "Retrieve" Tuner that I believe it is needed and even though it has only one target is pretty good. Obviously Reinforcement of the Army could used as well but I prefered Tuning for the slight Milling. From there, the rest of Spells are staples that are almost in every deck and need no justification.

Traps x 6
Solemn Warning x 2
Solemn Judgment x 1
Call of the Haunted x 1
Mirror Force x 1
Fiend Comedian x 1

The Trap Line-Up as you can see is pretty basic except one card. Fiend Comedian is a pretty awesome card in this Format to any Deck that Mills. You either leave the opponent with no Graveyard, a devastating thing to many decks or you mill and if you take account the speed of the current decks you will most likely mill a lot. It is so good that I have another one in the Side Deck The only thing I would like to add is that I would love to include Torrential Tribute, a second Seven Tools and possibly even a Limit Reverse but there was no space.

Extra Deck x 15
Formula Synchron x 2
Armory Arm x 1
Ally of Justice Catastor x 1
T.G. Hyper Librarian x 1
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x 1
Iron Chain Dragon x 1
Black Rose Dragon x 1
Scrap Archfiend x 1
Junk Destroyer x 1
Red Dragon Archfiend x 1
Scrap Dragon x 1
Stardust Dragon x 1
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x 1
Shooting Star Dragon x 1

No surprise in the Extra Deck except that it costs over 250$ to make.

Overall this deck is able to unleash easily an extremely powerful combo but it also can play with multiple Synchro Summons and Chaos Sorcerer. It is much more consistent over it's predecessor but even though it suffers from the possible bad hands that every deck using Milling Engines can suffer. But the thing that I like most in the deck is that even though Hyper Libarian is included in the Extra Deck, the main combo itself does a better job in Synchroing and Drawing than Librarian. But since the combo can be destroyed by both Effect Veiler and D.D. Crow (which both can stop the "Retrieve" Tuners) I have sided two copies of Debunk and I suggest it to everyone who wants to use this deck.

Thanks for reading and till next time.


There is not many things to show since this combo has not explored very well but here are some links to the history of Machine Duplication if you are intereseted. Also there is a deck called Tuningware OTK but I found it pretty boring since it is another Magical Explosion FTK deck but you can also take a look.

Jason Grabher-Meyer, 2011,, "  Deck Profile: Bobby Brake’s Karakuri Machine"

Jamie Alexander, 2010, The Traditional Format Academy, "Dimensiona Fusion Loop"

aznpersuasion2008, 2009, Youtube. com, "Yugioh Decklist - Tuningware OTK"


  1. I feel like you left out a couple important and overlooked targets for Machine Duplication. Those targets being the Morphtronics. Machine Duplication hits several of them, but there are 3 in particular I'd like to point out.

    Celfon: pretty much the staple of any Morphtronic deck, sitting at a mighty 100/100 you can easily have 5 morphs out on the first turn. With the new exceed(I dislike saying XYZ) monsters coming out, you won't have to leave those little buggers on the field. This one is especially awesome with inferno reckless summon because quite literally every Morphtronic qualifies letting the Morphs get off their OTK almost as a side effect.

    Boarden: another staple of Morphtronics that will either give you a soft lock or a couple direct attacks into a rank 3. The dandy part about that is you can get Terror-Byte out there in 1 turn which is a massive wall/brain control for level 4 and lower

    Remoten: the last of the bunch is a Morphtronic I have always avoided until now because it banished my Morphs and left me with no good way to get them back. Though with the emergence of exceeds and the combination with machine duplication, this easily overlooked machine earned a new place in my heart, being an earth tuner doesn't hurt either. Obvious synergies are with Leviair to bring back a banished Morph and use the 3rd Remoten to syncro(if you grabbed 3).

    Anyway, there are a couple others that qualify, but I feel as if these three have the most in terms of usefulness.

    If you'd like to see a deck list, just hit me up on DN ~ACamus

  2. Wow, they are indeed impressive! I haven't look at them at all to be honest but they are really good. I like Celfon and Remoten especially and I add a bit about them in the part where I explain a bit about Machine Duplication. I will not add much more as they dont have anything to do with the Tuningware Synchro Deck directly but I will keep them in mind for a Future Deck Profile since they seem pretty abusable.

    As for DN, I have added you as a friend, my nickname there is EatosVIII.

    Thanks for posting and for the advice!
